MVK team at Leo Tolstoy’s homeland

February 08, 2010
On Saturday the team of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy went to Leo Tolstoy’s native estate, Yasnaya Polyana (Tula Region).

On Saturday the team of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy went to Leo Tolstoy’s native estate, Yasnaya Polyana (Tula Region). The aim of the visit was a meeting with a grandgrand-grandson of the renowned writer, Head of Yasnaya Polyana Memorial Museum, President of International Council of Museums (ICOM) Russia Vladimir I. Tolstoy.


Vladimir Tolstoy and MVK team


The meeting took place in the museum office at Volkonsky’s Mansion. Mr. Tolstoy thoroughly studied the materials of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy, learned the project presentation, photo albums and catalogues. With great interest he watched the films about the past calligraphy shows in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Mr. Tolstoy highly appraised the exhibition materials he was demonstrated  and stated the social significance of the project. In conclusion, Mr. Tolstoy promised to attend the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy in Moscow. Upon the end of the meeting the MVK team went on a sightseeing tour around Yasnaya Polyana.


Vladimir Tolstoy studying the photo album


Watching the film about the calligraphy exhibition


Leo Tolstoy’s Mansion


A birch lane “Preshpekt” leading towards the mansion