Today, May 7, on the eve of the 65th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War we held a special honoring of our veterans.
Many of the veterans highly appreciated the MVK company invitation to meet together and to spend a few days in Moscow, but unfortunately the age and illness couldn’t allow many of them to come (we were arranging their visit and accommodation).
The Project Head Alexey Shaburov and the team congratulated our dear veterans – Valentina Ostryanina and Anna Safina – with this great and important date, honored the fallen heroes, and once again recalled the days of War. To celebrate our heroes, one of our friends – young violinist Aleksandra Radionova – played a Bach’s Sarabande from Partita No1 for violin solo.
As a symbol of special respect, we presented memorable souvenirs to our guests.
Our main goal today is to make our veterans feel permanent care and love through the whole year. We can not forget their heroic feat. And to express what we feel and do to our veterans here are the words of Alexey Shaburov: “Whatever I did not manage to do for my Granddad, I will do for others”.
Happy Victory Day!

Project Head Alexey Shaburov

Honoring of our veterans

Dear veterans Anna Safina and Valentina Ostryanina.

Curator of the International exhibition of calligraphy
Elena Isaeva is greeting the veterans

Aleksandra Rodionova playing a Bach’s sarabande

Watching war chronicles

Presenting with memorable souvenirs

Counselor of A. Shaburov Lyudmila Kulanina and Anna Safina

Valentina Ostryanina

Our veterans and the team of International exhibition of calligraphy