An official opening of the National school of calligraphy was held today. Pupils of schools located in the Eastern administrative district met in the Contemporary museum of calligraphy.
The hall was overcrowded by all those who were eager to take part in the first demonstrational lesson and to see the master-class of calligraphy given by the school supervisor Yuri Koverdyaev. The Director of the Contemporary museum of calligraphy Alexey Shaburov explained to children the notion of calligraphy and how this art form had been developing in Russia within the recent three years. Then Ludmila Kulanina, psychotherapist and psychologist, referred to facts concerning favorable influence of calligraphy onto human health.
After presentation pupils and their teachers animatedly participated in the master-class, were divided into groups to visit the museum and were actively signing up for calligraphy courses. The opening ceremony was attended by many calligraphists who will give lessons in the National school of calligraphy. The number of those who wanted to take part in training was so important that Andrey Sannikov gave an unarranged master-class.
There still are some vacant places in groups but they will be filled up very soon. For more details regarding to the course please contact training manager Oksana Saloshina: +7 (495) 728 77 58.

…we are short of chairs again

Director of the Museum Alexey Shaburov
is telling about the Museum and the art of calligraphy

Yuri Koverdyaev is introducing the programme
of training in the School of calligraphy

… Yuri Ivanovich in the limelight again

… everyone is eager to perceive the magic of calligraphy

Team creation

The master-class was broadcasted on-screen

Excursions were organized for everybody

Is this rose natural, I wonder?

The youngest calligraphy admirer was 10 months old