Now, when the project has moved to a new level in its development, we are glad to inform you that organization of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy in St. Petersburg didn’t terminate the process of the Project shortlisting. Quite on the contrary, more new participants are joining the project. As you might have guessed the aim of this piece of news is to introduce you two more calligraphers: Torfi Jonsson, teacher and designer from Iceland and American calligrapher Anne Yokosakamakiokimoto Yamasaki.
Anne Yamasaki says calligraphy is her activity and delight. “I live, breathe and eat calligraphy”, says Anne. “When dieting, I consume few o's and q's and more l's”.
Anne Yamasaki
Artworks by Anne Yamasaki
Torfi Jonsson has taught calligraphy in Icelandic Art School (and has been its Headmaster for 4 years), and for 13 years have given lessons on calligraphy and typography in Germany. The very process of writing is a challenge for the artist. “Even type designers often rely on ink and paper to bring zest to their computer work”, says he.
Torfi Jonsson
Artworks by Torfi Jonsson
Source: International Exhibition of Calligraphy