Another “mystery of the world calligraphy” was revealed by Evgeny Dobrovinsky

December 13, 2008
On Friday, December 12, Evgeny Dobrovinsky unearthed a mystery of calligraphy – at his master-class Mr. Dobrovinsky spoke about the history of the alphabet. He also told the wide audience about his oeuvre and shared some of his secrets.


Evgeny Dobrovinsky


Evgeny Dobrovinsky is a reputable proficient in the art of beautiful writing. Speaking at his master-class he wished to demonstrate people that ordinary letters we meet everywhere can tell many interesting things about themselves – you only see them in a new light and try to hear them whispering.


Evgeny Dobrovinsky

To great fanfare from the audience Evgeny Dobrovinsky went beyond mere teling about the history. Warm words about different sources of inspiration, about how to find your way in the art, funny anecdotes of his life – all these things were also very interesting to the listeners, which once again proved a school truth: when a talented narrator gives a lesson it will certainly be interesting. 


Source: «International Exhibition of Calligraphy»